Covid Safety Protocols

Dear Clients of Lee’s Place,

Please read our policies below established to keep everyone safe in the Lee’s Place building for therapy sessions. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we adjust to the health concerns of the staff and clients about spreading COVID-19. We have a level of safety and sanitation that will be done before and after each client to ensure the safety of everyone.

  1. If you feel sick, achy, feverish, sore throat, or have symptoms of COVID -19 of any kind, please do not come to Lee’s Place. We will reschedule you.
  2. If you are medically compromised in any way, such as having cancer, lung disease, diabetes, or any chronic illness, we will schedule you via video conferencing or phone sessions. Do not come in the building.
  3. Wait in your car when you arrive. Your therapist will come to your car and ask a few health related questions and have you sanitize your hands. If you have any symptoms such as coughing, achy, fever, etc., we will reschedule you. It will not be safe for you to enter the building.
  4. No one will be allowed to sit in the waiting room. Parents, friends, etc. must wait outside the building.
  5. Your therapist will keep a distance of at least 6 feet from you. We are not requiring masks because it interferes with the therapy process so much. We will mitigate this concern of spreading germs by keeping a distance between client and therapist.
  6. The therapy room and anything the client touches will be sanitized after each therapy session, making it sanitary for the next client.
  7. We prefer clients to pay their fee through our website at Go to the “clients” button, then choose your fee from the menu, then click the “buy now” button and follow the directions. If you need to pay by cash or check please speak with your therapist.
  8. Phone or video sessions are available upon request.

Thank you for your understanding. Please let us know if there is anything you are uncomfortable with, we are happy to accommodate you in any way we can.

Brenda Rabalais, PhD, LMFT

President, Lee’s Place

Coping with Covid Stress


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